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Download the SDK from Unibase Release.
Gas token: request Holesky ETH first, then send it to L1StandardBridgeProxy: 0x07205FEfD61E11C7AE3aeeb1656451Bad7896a84 , you can claim Holesky ETH from the following faucet websites: Google Faucet.
It is advisable to have at least 1 holesky ETH available for transaction sending.
Token Claim: Upon binary startup, the client automatically claims 100 UB tokens from the server.
Transaction Costs: Each transaction costs 0.003 gas tokens; adding a piece costs 0.00017 gas tokens; adding a replica costs between 0.003 to 0.005 gas tokens.
Initialize, defaults to ~/.stream directory, create account with password aidemo123
Start daemon, defaults to port 8083, port 8083 must be accessible from the internet
Example with external IP
Check balance
Check revenue
Withdraw revenue
Initialize, defaults to ~/.store directory, create account with password aidemo123
Start daemon, defaults to port 8082
Example with external IP, port 8082 accessible from the internet
Example: No external IP, port 8082 not accessible from the internet
Check balance
Check revenue information
Withdraw storage revenue, updates available rewards
Update storage rewards
Withdraw storage rewards
Initialize, defaults to ~/.validator directory, create account with password aidemo123
Start daemon, defaults to port 8085
Check Balance