Testing plan

Testing Scale

  • Number of Nodes

    • Storage Nodes: 50-100 nodes, geographically unrestricted

    • Stream Nodes: 5-10 nodes, using public IPs, distributed in different locations

Testing Method

  • Continuous data uploads by multiple uploaders

Testing Objectives

  • Node Functionality Accuracy

    • Storage Nodes: Must be able to store data, generate proof, respond to challenges, and earn rewards

    • Stream Nodes: Must be able to correctly process and distribute data

    • Validator Nodes: Must be able to verify proofs and initiate challenges upon detecting errors

  • Small-Scale Stability

    • Assess the stability of the chain and stream nodes under stress conditions

  • Reasonableness of Machine Configuration

    • Verify if CPU and memory requirements are adequate

    • Determine the appropriate ratio of stream to storage nodes

Last updated